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Corrections to analysis of bell harmonics at Wavendon and Great Linford - June 2022

BellDocumented NoteDocumented Note SourceRecorded NoteRecorded WeightEstimated WeightDiameterFounderMP3
5ADove 8 - 1 - 1 - -  G Mears in 1862


G. Mears And Co. Founders London.
These bells were given to the Glory of God
and for the use of his Church by the
five sons of thomas and Eliz Fitzgerald

How does the shape of this bell compare to others in the ring?

Here, the shape of all the bells are compared by reducing their size so they all have the same radius at the soundbow.
Then we can see if the founder made bells taller, wider or the same shape as different sized bells were created.

Tonal Analysis
Is this bell in tune with itself?
ToneFrequency (Hz)Tuning
Upper Third110668
Upper Quint1267-13
Upper Octave175048

This shows each harmonic relative to what it should be relative to the Nominal
taking Simpson Tuning as an ideal.
A positive figure shows that the harmonic is sharp, a negative figure shows that it is flat. There are 100 cents between notes on the scale.
Sharp of G#/Ab by 20 cents